0898 48 30 49 helios_eood@abv.bg

Completed buildings

20A, Stara Planina str., Primorsko

Type: Residential building in Primorsko, Stara Planina Street

Location: The building is located 500m. from the North Beach of Primorsko town.

It consists of: a ground floor and three residential floors.

It has been certified with permission for use in June, 2011.

The building is monolithic, with reinforced concrete load bearing structure. The load bearing structural elements of the building are reinforced concrete slabs, beams, pillars, retaining walls and walls.

The roof is sloped, done with roof tiles by Tondach

The building has heat insulation system and plaster by Baumit.

The window sills are five-chamber, German, by KBE.

Entrance doors are steel, and the interior ones are MDF. All doors are made and installed by Ergon company – Sofia.

The walls and ceilings are smooth plastered and painted in bright colours. The stair well is constructed with granite and the balconies of the apartments – with granite-gress and granite; the railing is made of aluminium and glass. Lighting in the stairway and on the facade is controlled by a sensor. The paving in the court-yard is done with basalt tiles, draining is ensured by siphons. Besides the side fence, partly lined, there is a green belt of bushes. The fence on the side of the street is lined with stone and wrought iron. In the back part of the court-yard there is a place for relaxation and rest.


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